When it comes to the rules for business logo design the first factor that you need to keep in mind is that it must fit your company. This is the most important factor in this case as well. You do not have to get hold of every detail of your organization in your logo but you need to make sure that it is representing your brand in some way or the other.
Keeping it simple
You would want your logo to be memorable — one that people can recognize with ease. If you want people to know your logo and identify it with ease you must make sure that it is simple. If you make it too complicated or detailed people might not be able to recognize the same. So, try to take out as many elements as you can from over there till you have something that may be basic but is powerful.
Considering size
Your logo will appear in different sizes. You may depict it as a small icon on a mobile device or blow it up on a billboard. No matter what, you have to make sure that the logo looks good and it must make sense irrespective of its size. Once you get a design that you like you must experiment with various sizes to make sure that the logo works. You might have to change it a bit so that it looks good in all sizes.
Importance of colors
Color is also an important factor in this particular context. Color is known to appeal to emotions, and so you need to make sure that the colors you select represent your brand properly. If you are planning to use a lot of colors you also need to ensure that your logo can work in several of them. You also need to make sure that your logo will look good in black and white.
Being original
You can always look at great logos for inspiration and this is something that you should do as well. However, if your logo looks a lot like another logo it is time you start over. You have to ensure that people associate your brand with your logo and not mix it up with any other company. Try to think outside the box so that you can find to represent your brand uniquely.
Being memorable
Along with the need to stand out, you would also want your logo to be one that people can remember with ease. The greatest logos are ones that can be reproduced and recalled with total ease. These are the ones that represent a brand in the truest sense. This is why it is so important in these cases to adhere to a simple picture or design that people can call to their minds with ease.
Choosing fonts wisely
This is not something that you may have thought about a lot but if you are planning on using words in your logo you need to get the font right. The font that you select can say a lot about the message that you are trying to convey through words. Refrain from choosing a font that is either too cute or too common, for that matter! People these days are fed up with Comic Sans. So make sure that you avoid it as well as any other font that will not be taken seriously.
Avoiding trends
There is always that temptation to follow a trend especially when you are trying to make your company look hip and young. However, if you plan on being around for some time, you should go with a classic design. Remember that something that looks trendy right now might appear to be dated and silly in a few years.
Using symmetry
Your eye will be drawn naturally to symmetrical images. So, make sure that your logo is balanced in terms of lines, weight, and color. Make your logo symmetrical so that it is memorable and if you wish to be asymmetrical do so sparingly only!
It is very important to be flexible in these cases because your logo will be appearing on a wide range of media. This includes both print and digital media. The thing is that something that looks great on a t-shirt or a letterhead might look terrible on a website. So, ensure that you are testing the logo on various media so that you find one that looks good everywhere. Keeping these rules in mind will help you create the perfect logo.